May 28, 2009

Hello and welcome to this Honduras Blog

Hello, and welcome to this blog, where we will talk about miscellaneous topics about this beautiful country which is Honduras of course.

Honduras is a country with many difficulties just as every other country in the world, but that is no reason for not being a beautiful place to live in, and where we still can enjoy of so many charming places that it has.

As for natural landscapes, Honduras has nothing to envy to any country in the world if we're talking about beach and sea, tropical forest, arqueolochical sites, mountain places, etc.

As for politics, sports, entertaining, curious things, etc, there is so much to talk about, and that is one of the main reasons for this blog, to talk about a diversity of topics that are related to Honduras.

You as our fellow reader have the chance to express yourself in this blog through your own comments. The idea of a blog is exactly that, to open a communication channel with the blog readers in order to exchange ideas and opinions, so we can transform this blog in a space where we can have constant interface among people.

The only requirement for being able to post a comment on this blog is that the comments are to be done in a respectful manner. Should there be some topics that become a source of opposite opinions, there is absolutely no problem to post a comment as long as the expressions and words are used without causing disturbance to other people.

We'll try to talk about up to date topics as much as possible, but we will also talk about topics that have made history and that may be worth to remember.

Anyway, this will be a blog about open and varied topics, if it is related to Honduras then it is something we will want to include in our blog.

Welcome again.